
Accounting Office
Katarzyna Kuszel

We provide complex accounting services and offer support of our experts in optimizing financial charges. We use cutting edge technologies to achieve our aims.


CubeAccount is owned by Katarzyna Kuszel, the Warsaw School of Economics’ graduate. She holds many years of experience on the position of an accountant gained in renowned companies with foreign capital.
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Customer Service

Trading books, accounting supervision, new business registration, personnel and payroll services, financial counselling and many more... See the full list of our services

Use Our Services!

Do not hold off! Entrust your company’s finance to us now! We promise that you will be satisfied with the cooperation. Write to us, call us or meet us in person

CubeAccount Accounting Office

Our mission is to provide professional accounting services and substantial support at optimizing Customer’s tax and financial solutions with the use of cutting edge technologies.

CubeAccount’s basic aim is to provide reliable, professional and timely services enabling maximum Customer’s relief of problems regarding accountancy.

Our assets are many years of experience, commitment and taking care of continuous development and enhancing our professional competences to be able to adjust to the needs and requirements of our Principals in a responsible and matter-of-fact way.

See our offer for more details.

Why CubeAccount?